How to Pay a Citation/Ticket/Summons
Your failure to appear in court on the specified court date and time, or otherwise respond to the ticket as directed, may result in the suspension of your driver’s license and could result in a warrant being issued for your arrest.
How much is the ticket?
See #1 below for instructions about how to find your ticket online.
When is it due?
On or before the specified court date and time.
What if my ticket doesn’t appear online?
Continue to check. It can take 10 or more days for tickets to be available online and in the courts. Please wait at least 10 days from the date the ticket was issued before you contact the court.
What are my options?
Plead Not Guilty: You MUST appear in court on the specified court date and time to plead not guilty.
Plead Guilty: You do NOT have to appear in court if you plead guilty and pay your ticket on or before the specified court date and time using one of the following methods:
Online at Missouri Courts Website or
scan the QR code to the right. Then follow the next steps a through e.
Case Number: Enter your ticket number
Click on “Find”
Click on “Plead and Pay,” and the amount due will appear
Click “Continue to Plead” and follow instructions
If you have been issued more than one ticket, you must repeat this process for each ticket
Mail in a money order or check (not all courts accept checks).
Determine the amount due by following steps 1a, b, and c above
Mail to PO Box 370, Kimberling City, MO 65686
INCLUDE TICKET in envelope with your payment
In person at the Court Clerk’s Office at 34 Kimberling Blvd.
Questions? Contact the court at: 417-739-4903